Telecom Handel readers choice - Best Distributor 2020

Telecom Handel curated – Best Distributor 2020

Telecom Handel readers choice - Best Distributor 2020

Which wholesaler did its job best this year? 

Telecom Handel, Deutschlands führender Fachhandelzeitschrift für die Telekommunikations-Branche, sucht auch in diesem Jahr wieder den „Besten Distributor des Jahres“ und bittet alle TK-Fachhändler, Partnershop-Betreiber und Systemhaus-Inhaber in Deutschland um ihre Mithilfe. 

We would appreciate your participation in the survey until 10/26/2020 and vote for Yukatel.


The Telecom Handel editorial team is once again giving away great prizes among all participants, including an e-scooter or the brand new Sony Xperia 1 ||.

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