

Întotdeauna up-to-data!

În nostru YukaLife Blog obține cele mai recente informații industrie și ne duce în spatele Scenei de compania noastra.

Apple Event 2024: Spannende Produktvorstellungen

Am 9. September 2024 wird Apple sein jährliches Event unter dem Motto „It’s Glowtime“ abhalten. Die Veranstaltung wird um 19 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Sommerzeit als

Yukatel auf der IFA Berlin 2024

100 Jahre IFA Die IFA, die am 4. Dezember 1924 als „Große Deutsche Funkausstellung“ in Berlin-Westend begann, feiert in diesem Jahr ihr 100-jähriges Jubiläum.

Verkaufen Sie Ihre Ware direkt an Yukatel mit TradeIN

Als Vorreiter in der Telekommunikationsbranche, stellt Yukatel mit Stolz ihre neueste bahnbrechende Technologie vor: TradeIN. Diese innovative Plattform bietet Lieferanten die schnellste und unkomplizierteste

Yukatel als Aussteller auf der transport logistic

transport logistic – Internationale Fachmesse für Mobilität, Logistik, IT und Supply Chain Management. Seit 1978 findet die Messe alle zwei Jahre statt. Austragungsort ist

What can be expected from Yukatel in 2023?

Another successful business year 2022 is drawing to a close - the last appointments and business for this year are being concluded and the planning

Yukatel at IFA 2022 in Berlin

The IFA (International Radio Exhibition) took place for the first time in 1924. Now the time has finally come again - after a year's compulsory break which

New tablets: Trends 2022

After we already discussed this year's smartphone trends in the last blog post, we would now like to take a look at the

New smartphones: Trends 2022

In March, the Mobile World Congress took place in Barcelona, where the latest trends in the mobile phone market, especially new smartphones, were presented. In the following

Asociația de mărci - Yuka.digital

Digitalizarea pentru întreprinderi și-a făcut de mult timp loc în viața noastră de zi cu zi. Subiecte precum M2M, IoT și telematica GPS își fac tot mai mult loc în

Yukatel GmbH - Acum trage și în coșuri!

Yukatel GmbH, is entering new territory and is now also at home in professional basketball. At least, the name Yukatel is now the main component of the Turkish

New website and expansion of the e-commerce platform

We are continuing to drive forward digitalisation for our international core business, mobile communications wholesale. Since October, we have been presenting ourselves with a new website.


Magazine CE Markt introduces Yukatel GmbH

Another interview with our CEO, Yusuf Karatas, can be found in CE Markt issue no. 9 -2020. CE Markt is the business magazine and leading medium for Home & Mobil Electronic.


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secretar-în-ochelari de vedere-7M4CBFU
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