

Management system for the mobile trading

We know what it takes

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NEXTwawi was designed, optimized and built for the telecommunications trade from the very beginning. All factors were taken into account to ensure a fast and smooth process in day-to-day business without having to forego important functionalities.

25 Years Of Experience

NEXTwawi: The merchandise management system for mobile phone trading

Thanks to our long years of experience in the mobile wholesale NEXTwawi is a tailor-made solution for the TK-trade. In coordination with our customers, we have an All-in-One economic system were developed at the highest technical level, which controls all the processes relevant to the TK-trade and optimized.

Online Shop Module

The online shop module designed from scratch by NextWawi for the mobile phone trade.

The Online Shop module has been designed from the ground up for mobile Commerce. The advantages of B2C and B2B stores were analyzed and led to an intuitive and quick-to-use Online Shop System.

Operation and functions

Nextwawi generating a clean, uncomplicated and easy-to-learn user interface.

In doing so, attention was always paid to generating a clean, uncomplicated and easy-to-learn user interface. Thus, all relevant information and functions can be accessed with just a few clicks.In doing so, attention was always paid to generating a clean, uncomplicated and easy-to-learn user interface. Thus, all relevant information and functions can be accessed with just a few clicks.

Interested in more information?

Get in touch with us

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