General Terms And Conditions
All deliveries and services of the company Yukatel GmbH, these General terms and conditions. Deviating and/or supplementary agreements require the Express consent of the Yukatel GmbH, as well as the writing; this shall also apply for a waiver of this written form requirement.
The Yukatel GmbH will comply with to meet the specified delivery time. If these are exceeded by more than four weeks, the customer has the right, by means of a written Declaration to withdraw from the contract. The buyer in the event of default or the inability should claim damages due to non-fulfilment of the request so this is limited in the case of slight negligence is limited to a maximum of 5% of the purchase price and only covers the replacement of direct damage, so in particular the replacement of lost profits or other indirect damage. Further claims of the buyer – especially on delivery are excluded. All offers are subject to change and are valid as long as stocks last. Errors and omissions excepted.
Die Gefahr geht auf den Kunden über, sobald die Ware dem Transportunternehmer übergeben worden ist und das Lager verlassen hat. Dies gilt auch dann, wenn die Yukatel GmbH die Transportkosten übernommen hat. Beanstandungen wegen Transportschäden hat der Kunde unmittelbar gegenüber dem Transportunternehmen innerhalb der dafür vorgesehenen Fristen geltend zu machen. Bei Sendungen des Kunden an die Yukatel GmbH trägt der Kunde jedes Risiko, insbesondere das Transportrisiko, bis zum Eintreffen der Ware bei der Yukatel GmbH in 63303 Dreieich, Yuka-Platz 1.
Invoices from the Yukatel GmbH shall be immediately due and payable without any deduction. From the 30. The day after the date of the invoice, the Yukatel GmbH is entitled to demand default interest at the statutory height above the respective base interest rate, unless the Yukatel GmbH proves higher default interest or the buyer a lower load on the Yukatel GmbH, without the need for prior warning. Cheques will only be accepted on account of payment. Any charges are to be borne by the customer. A set-off is only with undisputed or judicially legally established claims. The right of retention of the customer can only assert, to the extent that it is based on the same contractual relationship.
Complaints about delivery, defects, wrong deliveries and deviations in quantity, in so far as they are ascertainable by reasonable inspection to make without delay and at the latest within one week of receipt of the goods in writing. In the case of justified complaints, the Yukatel GmbH shortages to deliver at the best distance and in the Rest of the subject to the exclusion of your choice of the goods, take them back or give the buyer a discount. The second replacement is defective, in the case of an exchange, the customer has the right to change or reduction to the buyer. The warranty is for defects in the case of devices is limited to the repair. In the case of a conversion, the withdrawal of the instrument is carried out with the value of compensation, or on the manufacturer's/market predetermined time value of the device. The customer shall exercise it in accordance with section 3 of the distance selling act vested the right of withdrawal, he has to bear in case of an order up to an amount of 40 euros, the cost of return unless the delivered goods correspond to the Ordered goods. Software is excluded from the exchange!! Of the Yukatel GmbH delivered goods will only be accepted after prior written consent by the Yukatel GmbH. The goods must be in perfect condition, in the original packaging and complete (complete, undamaged original packaging, accessories, user manual, complete packing material, etc.). Returned goods is less than 10 % (at least 15 euros) for processing and storage handling costs will be credited. Special actions, special orders and custom made products are excluded from the possibility of return.
The purchase remains subject to the compensation of the Yukatel GmbH on the basis of contract claims in the property of the Yukatel GmbH. The retention of title shall also apply to all claims, which acquires the Yukatel GmbH against the buyer in connection with the purchase of the subject, e.g. due to repairs or other services later. During the duration of the retention of title, the purchaser to the possession and contract is entitled to their intended use of the object of purchase, as long as it complies with its obligations under the retention of title and its obligations arising from the business connection in a timely manner.
The Yukatel registered users, will receive in addition to your customer number, Login data, enabling them online at Yukatel orders. The Login data are carefully under lock and key to third parties for any resulting damage shall be liable for the unauthorized use of the Login data of the respective user.
The Yukatel GmbH is entitled to collect in the context of a business relationship necessary personal data of the customer, store, and process.
The ineffectiveness of individual provisions of these General terms and conditions shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In place of the invalid provision with a new provision that comes closest to its economic effect of the invalid provision as closely as possible. The place of performance and place of jurisdiction for contracts that were closed under inclusion of these General terms and conditions, Offenbach am Main, insofar as the contractual partner trader is.